Overriding materials

Since version >= 3.75

Purpose: to show usage of override: directive for replacing materials in a voxelized region using ROIs.

We create a synthetic CT consisting of a spherical skull filled with brain material. The skull is a spherical wall of cortical bone 1 cm thick. The skull is surrounded by air. We nicknamed this setup as the Mental Ball.

The input file looks like:

# create a "Mental Ball" and deliver proton beam

region: phantom; CTscan = CT.mha ; pivot=[0.5,0.5,0]; O=[0,0,0]; score = [dose]; lWriteDensity=t

override: phantom HU-1000 outside Sphere8cm.mha
override: phantom HU+1376 inside  Sphere8cm.mha
override: phantom HU+32   inside  Sphere7cm.mha


pb: 1 0 ; Xsec = disc ; FWHM = 4 ; particle = p ; E = 100; N=1e8

nprim = 1e5
the Mental Ball

Density map of the Mental Ball

Explanation of the procedure:

  1. load a CT scan into the Phantom region

  2. set air (HU -1000) outside a sphere of radius 8 cm

  3. set cortical bone (HU +1376) inside the same sphere

  4. replace with brain (HU +32) a sphere of radius 7 cm

Delivering the beam, we obtain the following dose map

dose for the Mental Ball


the override: rules are applied in the order they are found in the input file


It is possible to mix standard and HU materials. For instance:

override: phantom air    outside Sphere8cm.mha
override: phantom HU1300 inside  Sphere8cm.mha
override: phantom HU32   inside  Sphere7cm.mha


override: phantom vacuum  outside Sphere8cm.mha
override: phantom Al      inside  Sphere8cm.mha
override: phantom water   inside  Sphere7cm.mha

Python script for generating the synthetic CT and the ROIs for the `Mental Ball`

The following python script shows how to generate a synthetic CT and two ROIs. The ROIs are two filled spheres with a radius of 8 and 7 cm respectively.

import os
import numpy as np
import SimpleITK as sitk
Lx = 200 ; Ly = 200 ; Lz = 200 # extent (mm)
nx = 200 ; ny = 200 ; nz = 200 # voxels
hx = Lx/nx ; hy = Ly/ny ; hz = Lz/nz # spacing


# center voxel coords
x = np.linspace(-Lx/2,+Lx/2,nx,endpoint=False)+hx/2
y = np.linspace(-Ly/2,+Ly/2,ny,endpoint=False)+hy/2
z = np.linspace(-Lz/2,+Lz/2,nz,endpoint=False)+hz/2

zv, yv, xv = np.meshgrid(z,y,x,indexing='ij')

# CT map corresponding to HU=0 value
CT = np.zeros((nz,ny,nx),dtype=np.int16)
img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(CT)

# ROI of a sphere with 8 cm radius
ROI = np.zeros_like(CT)
img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(ROI)

# ROI of a sphere with 7 cm radius
ROI = np.zeros_like(CT)
img = sitk.GetImageFromArray(ROI)