Scoring Particles

New in version 3.70.0

Plane Crossing scorers

It is possible to score all particles crossing a plane surface inside the geometry setup.

An infinite plane is defined by a reference point (the origin O) and a normal vector n.

The pxs: directive is used to setup a plane crossing scorer:

ID = (int)

number identifying the scorer for subsequent output

O = [0, 0, 0]

Origin of the plane.

n = [0,0,1]

normal vector to the plane.

prec = (int) 6

floating point precision of text output

Hereafter an example of scoring particles crossing planes downstream of a field: this setup can be used to quickly check the beam propagation:

field: 1 ; O = [0,0,-200]; L=[40,40,1]; pivot = [0.5,0.5,0.5]

pb: 1 1 ; particle = proton; T = 100; sigmaSqrModel = [200,0.3328,-0.00128,3.2e-05,0.555556,0.00222222,2.22222e-05]

# define crossing planes along the beam axis
pxs: 1; O=[0,0, -20]; n=[0,0,1]; prec = 10
pxs: 2; O=[0,0,   0]; n=[0,0,1]; prec = 10
pxs: 3; O=[0,0, +20]; n=[0,0,1]; prec = 10

deactivate: phantom


Each plane will produce a separate file in the output directory

└─ score
    ├─ PlaneCrossing_1.txt
    ├─ PlaneCrossing_2.txt
    ├─ PlaneCrossing_3.txt
    ├─ PlaneCrossing_4.txt
    └─ PlaneCrossing_5.txt

with all crossing events recorded by FRED, e.g.

# UID  PDGcode  gen x y z (cm)    cosx cosy cosz     energy (MeV)
1767 2212 1 0.2931099832 0.09622633457 -20 0.004025272559 0.005532842129 0.9999765158 100
2040 2212 1 -0.02017699182 -0.7830485702 -20 -0.0005401616218 -0.002020265441 0.9999977946 100
3326 2212 1 0.4653390348 -0.2075468302 -20 -0.005163567141 -0.0006195059977 0.9999864697 100
7875 2212 1 -0.6917120218 0.9977480173 -20 -0.000552367419 -0.006716909818 0.9999772906 100
6010 2212 1 0.7778751254 0.5707585216 -20 -0.001501463703 0.006481928751 0.9999778867 100
8917 2212 1 -0.5082454085 -0.1271313429 -20 0.007672127336 -0.002481081756 0.9999674559 100

where each rows corresponds to a crossing event, and a header line describes the columns. For instance, here we have the particle UID, the PDG code of the particle (2212=proton), its generation (1=primary), the hit position in global coords, the particle direction in global coords, and finally its kinetic energy.

particle distribution along beam axis

Particle distribution along beam axis at selected planes around ISO centre.