.. _licencePage: FRED licence agreements ======================= The download and use of the **FRED software*** distributed on this website are governed by the following licenses and conditions. \* Here, **FRED software*** refers to the FRED computer program in binary form, the suite of accompanying Python scripts, and the FRED data libraries. FRED Single User Licence Agreement (academic or educational use) ----------------------------------------------------------------- The **FRED software*** is available free of charge for academic or educational use. The download and use of the libraries for such purposes is governed by the **FRED Single User Licence Agreement**. The binary libraries can be downloaded by individuals who register as FRED users on this website and agree to the licence conditions. .. toctree:: SingleUserLicence FRED Commercial Licence Agreement (commercial use) ----------------------------------------------------------------- The **FRED Software*** is available, for commercial use, to companies/institutions/treatment centres which purchased a commercial FRED licence. Employees of companies/institutions/treatment centres holding such a license must register on this website to download the packages. Companies/institutions/treatment centres which are interested in obtaining a commercial licence are kindly asked to use the `contact form <../_static/ContactForm_CommercialLicence.html>`_