Reassign HU materials
Since version >= 3.75.10
Purpose: to show usage of reassignHU: directive for reassigning HU materials in a given range to a new material.
The syntax of the directive is:
reassignHU: region material HUmin [HUmax]where
region is the target region to modify
material is the new material to assign
HUmin is the minimum HU value
HUmax is the maximum HU value (optional; default = HUmin)
All voxels with HU value in the given range, i.e. HUmin <= HU <= HUmax, are assigned the new material.
The new material can be a standard material (such as air, water, PMMA, etc.) or an HU material (such as HU-500 or HU+1300).
assign to air all voxels with HU in the range [-1000,-300]
reassignHU: phantom air -1000 -300
Here an example where we use the built-in MrHead CT and change voxels in the low HU band to standard air:
# geometry definition
region: phantom; CTscan=MrHead; pivot=[0.5,0.5,0.0]; O=[0,0,0]; score= Dose; lWriteImat=t; lWriteDensity=t;
# replace standard air in a low HU range
reassignHU: phantom air -1000 -300
# source definition
pbXsec=disc # round cross section with uniform distribution
pbFWHM=5 # diameter of the beam
pbE = 100 # energy of beam[MeV]
nprim=1e5 # no of primary protons to deliver

Density maps before (orig) and after (new) reassignment.
the reassignHU:
rules are applied in the order they are found in the input file